Hansko Visser - Wuivend en Buigend
In Dutch. Nice edition of poems and drawings by Hansko Visser, who we know as central figure of the group Plan Kruutntoone. His artwork can also be seen on thei..(read more)
Publisher: Petrichor / ISBN: 9789083104225
Author: Hansko Visser
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Graphic Art, Poetry.
Price: €20.00

Various Artists - kantoor 2
Second volume of kantoor, a collaboration of Petrichor with Staaltape. Featured are artists from all over the world who incorporate found tapes in their practic..(read more)
Publisher: Petrichor / Staaltape / kantoor 2
Author: Various Artists
Medium: Music Cassette + Zine
Categories: Books & Magazines, Records & Tapes.
Tags: Archives, Nostalgia, Sound Art, Sound Collage, Tapes, Zines.
Price: €14.00

Various Artists - kantoor
Collaboration of Petrichor and Staaltape, with artists from all over the world who incorporate found tapes in their practice. Vol. 1.
Publisher: Petrichor / Staaltape / kantoor 1
Author: Various Artists
Medium: Music Cassette + Zine
Categories: Books & Magazines, Records & Tapes.
Tags: Archives, Nostalgia, Sound Art, Sound Collage, Tapes, Zines.
Price: €14.00